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What We Don’t Get About “Herd Immunity”
Published on 15/05/20
by randy
The herd is not being heard. When we polarize and divide we are somehow thinking we’re separate. But we’re not. We’re all in the same boat, all in the same species, all trying to do the best we can, being the best we can. We all want to feel that we matter, that we’re enough, that we’re not “less then “, and in relational terms, “I’m OK, you’re OK“. The key question here is whether we have the resilience and discipline to not judge through this time of difficulty. You have your experience and I have my experience. I can’t question your experience. It’s fruitless to think I will change your thinking given the experience you have. I can control my reaction to what you say and do. I can notice what’s happening in the relation, whether I’m growing closer or further away. Perhaps the best thing I can do, if you’re willing, is to be curious and invite your curiosity so that we can move to understanding in recognizing the true meaning of “herd”. With this thinking and practice we’re always aiming to expand our circles of belonging. This is the practice of going from small tribe to bigger tribe.This is a practice of breaking the illusion of our separateness, of thinking we’re superior, somehow special over others. This is where we find a bigger community, our healing and wholeness and our compassion for one another. This is a place of radical acceptance, a practice where we can embrace uncertainty, a practice where we relinquish the need to be right. We become true pilgrims of the herd.

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