just be it It’s about the work involved in establishing a dedicated practice to feelings of a bigger belonging through practices aimed at increasing feelings of compassion, gratitude and forgiveness

Contrasts Between “Be” and “Do” Approaches to Living

Published on 24/03/19
by randy

While it’s often dangerous to simplify contrasts to a binary view, nature seems to work this way. The way we approach life can often be broken down to one of “subject” or one of “subject vs. object”. This is central to the delineation Just Be It makes between directing our actions from heart’s ‘being’ in contrast to mind’s ‘doing’. Some of the delineations are listed below:

Here, now, interconnected. vs Not here, before or after, separated.

Healed, sense of wholeness. vs Dis-eased, fear.

At peace with Being. vs Restless to Do.

Largest sense of belonging without surrender of identity from smaller group’s belonging. vs. In fear that the smaller group will be threatened from differences

Embraces change and uncertainty with equanimity. vs Attempts to stop change with forceful methods

Values authority demonstrated through deep listening and understanding. vs
Values authority demonstrated through strong belief systems and judgment

Values Laws of Nature as demonstrated through ever evolving laws of science and integration with ancient spiritual wisdom. vs Values cognitive belief systems passed down through second hand information

Listens to understand. vs Speaks to persuade, refusing to openly listen

Dialog vs Debate and argument

Collaborative. vs Persuasive

Love/gratitude/ joy base. vs Fear/scarcity/anxiety base

Healing and stewardship approach to health. vs Prevention and cure approach.

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