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Ride at the Square, March 20, Spring Equinox
Published on 17/03/10
by randy
Notice: Ride plays Washington Square this Saturday night. We’d love to have your energy in the house.
Our motto is “you can’t stop the wave, but you can learn to RIDE it”. We chose March 20 since it’s the Spring Equinox, we’re into Daylight Savings so it’s effectively an hour earlier, and many of you had complained about the difficulties in waking after our typical Thursday night of partying. We also took off January and February, to offer a little space.
Anyway, Spring’s a great time to let go the pain of a long winter and meet the hope of a new day. That’s basically what the blues is and why we hope you’ll join us in leaving the suffering of the world at the door as you come into the party of the moment.
I recently watched the Minnesota filmed movie, Sweet Land, and was taken by a phrase used by an aging woman, gracefully speaking to her cultivation of “different kinds of happiness”. We’ll never again touch the happiness of days gone by. Change happens, but we can always touch a different kind of happiness.
If you’ve ever attended one of our events, you know we resonate in response to one another. We’re all connected energy, the Blues knows this, and we hope you’ll consider coming out to vibrate with us, if for no other reason than to share a toast to Spring’s arrival.
Whether you make it or not, please know that the Ride crew will forever be grateful for the energy you’ve provided in the music we’ve created together when you have shown up.
That's it. What Next?
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