just be it It’s about the work involved in establishing a dedicated practice to feelings of a bigger belonging through practices aimed at increasing feelings of compassion, gratitude and forgiveness

Actions Outside of Mind and Thought

Published on 27/01/09
by randy


The use of the phrase just be it is for the purpose of stimulating a felt experience that moves past thought.  Recognizing that thought is based on linguistic constructs, our own personal creations from past or anticipated events, we can see that a 100% present response must necessarily step from the linguistic intellectual experience to that of “no thought” or what some have called “no mind”.  This distinction can be made with any action, once we’ve come to a level of proficiency where full surrender to the unknown occurs.  There’s a sense of faith so strong that the individual gives thanks for the entry to oneness, in complete peace it’s occurred, outside notions of time and space, before the actions undertaken.  This has been referred to as “peak experience”, “flow”, and other names designating that point where all distinction between the actor and that which is acted on is broken down into the unified experience.  We can also see this in our distinctions between religious dogma (the realm of intellectual, thought, belief) and that of the spiritual (the ‘felt’ sense of unity with all).  Again, there’s a deep faith that all is well within the present moment, as is captured in A Course in Miracles:


The savior’s vision is as innocent of what your brother is as it is free of any judgment made upon yourself.  It sees no past in anyone at all.  And thus it serves a wholly open mind, unclouded by old concepts, and prepared to look on only what the present holds.  It cannot judge because it does not know.  And recognizing this, it merely asks, “What is the meaning of what I behold?”  Then is the answer given.  And the door held open for the face of Christ to shine upon the one who asks, in innocence, to see beyond the veil of old ideas and ancient concepts held so long and dear against the vision of the Christ in you. 

Chapter 31, VII, V13.


This felt experience of the divine holds back judgment, in complete faith to the awe and wonder of the unfolding present moment.  Released from the chains of thought and complex mental processing, we enter the core of being.  In his book The Translucent Revolution,  Arjuna Ardagh describes it as follows:


When translucents are presented with a new situation, a spontaneous, unresisted response arises that is not questioned.  When we can see the world without the filter of belief, it becomes perfectly obvious what to do in each moment.  Since we are not resisting anything, life itself keeps asking us to play, to dance beyond our habits.  To resist this playful invitation would itself be to cling to a point of view.

We know what to do, not from weighing pros and cons, or making lists or asking people, but from an open clarity, where there is no belief for or against anything.  There is just quietness and a capacity to respond spontaneously to the present moment.  Life is doing itself through you, and there is no need to interfere. P. 103-4.


This inspired arrival to the present moment can be viewed as our deepest arrival to Being.  A Hawaiian kahuna, Uncle Less, has threatened to open a school for this, with a sign above the door stating “No BS”, the “bs” standing for “belief system”.


Whether at the preverbal level of the seven to nine month old child, the peak performance of a master, or that brief discovery of “no thought” that most have experienced in moments of wonder and awe, this arrival home to the core of being can be stimulated through the linguistic response of just be or just be it.

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